Dozy Rosie

Friday, August 10, 2007

Dissertation Panic

A common theme to my recent posts!

Less than 3 weeks to go... plenty of time!

Was feeling very panicky last night and this morning that it would be terrible and not finished - but am more positive again now. Chatting to the man in the office my project is with helped. I think by telling him what I'd done I realised that I have actually done something after all. Had been feeling like I'd been working lots but not actually achieving anything.

We're having a bbq this evening :) Hopefully it'll help me to switch off from work and get a decent nights sleep, ready for a weekend of hard work!


  • At 8:25 pm, Blogger Sarah S said…

    Good luck with the work can do it!! Not long now and it'll all be over :-)

    Hope you enjoy your bbq. Perfect weather for it (well it is here anyway, so I hope it is with you too)


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