Dozy Rosie

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Dual Personality

Living up to being Dozy!

Blogger made me change my account to the new Google blogger and I have somehow been transformed into Peggy!

I can't figure out how to fix it now - I have the same log-on for Dozy Rosie as for Dog Tails and this has put the same 'My Profile' onto both.

Does anyone know how I can either add different profiles to the different blogs or separate them into different accounts without deleting one of the blogs?!

Otherwise I will just have to remain as Peggy!

Please note: this does not mean that I write PS's blog - obviously she does write it herself, this has happened because I helped her to set it up in the first place and she didn't have her own e-mail address.


  • At 10:58 pm, Blogger Toph said…

    I don't know where Rosie has gone and I haven't updated mine yet so i'm not sure how it works. There must be a way somehow though. I was confused at reading your profile though before I read the post "born in a barn" "5 sisters". "is this the right blog?" I was thinking!


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