Dozy Rosie

Thursday, September 30, 2004

A Quieter Week

Despite not being busy every night this week, I'm still feeling pretty tired. I did go out last night to Pilots, followed by playing squash with Sarah. Think I forgot to mention that I actually won when we played last week :) Back to the usual loosing yesterday but it wasn't too uneven.

Work has been very busy, due to people being on holiday & off sick. Yesterday was particularly manic, with only 3 of us in (meant to have 7). Spent most of the time attempting to sound intelligent on the phone whilst not having a clue what the person on the other end was talking about!

Am off to visit Ruth this weekend & hopefully will be meeting up with one or two other ex Trevs people.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Yay! It's the weekend!

It's been another very busy week. Don't think I really had anything much planned at the beginning of it, but I still ended up doing things every night. At least I'm not sitting around bored with nothing to do, but by last night all I had the energy to do when I got home from work was eat tea then climb into bed at 7.30. Apparently I need to learn to say no sometimes.

I've watched a couple of films; Big Fish (was ok, but didn't seem to have all that much to it) & Bourne Identity (far too much action where I couldn't figure out what was happening, and tense bits waiting for people to be shot).

Wednesday was a 'girly' night with a bottle of wine - definitely should do it more often!

Ben came to visit on Thursday - was good to catch up. Not seen him since we graduated, which is over a year ago now (scary).

The sore throat I've been feeling about to get for the past couple of weeks has finally caught up with me :(

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Dad's 50th

Wrote about this last night, but it all vanished when I went to post it - hopefully this time will be more successful!

This weekend we went to the Keld Centre, Swaledale, for dad's 50th birthday party. Was a fantastic turnout - about 60 people + 10 dogs. Hope I still have that many friends when I'm 50!

We went for a couple of walks - to the tea shop in Mucker & back on Saturday & up the Pennine way to the Tan Hill Inn on Sunday. The weather wasn't too bad, kept looking like it was going to rain but never really did.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Fast & Slow

Had a really good day yesterday - was very busy at work, which meant it dissappeared really quickly. Felt like I was only there for about 2 hours. Very different today, which I spent getting frustrated at my computer for being incredibly slow.

Played squash with Tweak again after work yesterday. Felt to be playing a lot better than last week.

Saw Wicker Park at the cinema last night with Tweak, Kate, Toph & Bill (you can read more about that on Toph's blog)

A quiet night in is on the cards for tonight - feeling pretty tired after my busy day yesterday.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Camping Photos

Take a look at - photos from our camping trip in July.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

I can see clearly now ...

Just been to collect my contact lenses. Thought it was going to take me ages in the 'learn how to put them in eyes' lesson, especially after several of my friends/people at work have been winding me up about it! I proved to be a very quick learner though :) It was great wandering around town seeing everything properly without my glasses on.

Fun & Games

Been playing games at Sarah's house tonight. Was all good fun, so thanks for that Sarah. Am sure we had a far better night than we would have done had we spent it in a crowded smokey pub!

It's been several days since my last post - mainly because the computer at home seems to have been in high demand recently. Don't think I've really done all that much of note anyway.

Tuesday night I went out to the pub with dad & PS, only time for a quick drink though due to dad's usual sense of time!

Wednesday evening I went to help out at Pilots (church youth group thingy) - was good fun even though I felt I wasn't really needed; think 3 adults to 9 children who are pretty much old enough to look after themselves is a wee bit excessive.

Oh dear, this is as I feared now just turning into a boring list of stuff I've been doing! Nevermind, I've started so I'll finish - only last night left anyway, other than the days which are pretty predictable - stayed in & sorted out my photos into an album.

Well, that's my week summed up. No plans for the weekend as yet, not beyond having a lie in in the morning anyway!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Have been quite tired today after the long day I had yesterday. I got up at 5 to take mum & grandma to the airport - they've gone to the North coast of Ireland for a few days - then didn't stop being busy doing things until I got home from a music practise at about 10.

It is good to be busy though. I have found myself much happier this week and last week, when things have seemed slightly more hectic at work, than I was a couple of weeks ago. Then I was feeling a bit fed up and pointless!

I've just been playing squash with Sarah. I wasn't playing very well at all. Last week i thought that I was improving. That must have been a one off! Did enjoy it though, which is what counts!

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Still not done those jobs...

...but at least it's because I've been out for most of the day, rather than that I've been sat around doing nothing (or spending too much time messing about on the internet, which I seem to be doing quite a lot of lately).

This afternoon PS & I went for a walk with the 'Social Group' from church. There was a good turnout (about 20 + 2 dogs) - probably helped by the weather, it has been a lovely day. We finished off at a pub, with time for a couple of drinks in the beer garden before moving in for dinner. The food was very good, but they were extremely disorganised about the whole ordering/serving thing meaning everyone else had just about finished before I got my meal :( I was the first to get pudding though :)

At church this morning we had a speaker who has recently been to Israel, visiting Gaza & the West Bank to find out first hand some of what's going on there at the moment. It sounds terrible - so many innocent people trying to live normal lives suffering from the actions of the minority. The wall being built to keep terrorists out of Israel is separating many of the people in the West Bank from their land/friends/relatives/doctors making their life terrible - & I doubt it will be effective at all in its supposed purpose of keeping the suicide bombers out, just give them more reason to dislike Israel.

Saturday, September 04, 2004


Today I went for a cycle along the canal tow-path with dad, Kate, PS & JW. There were loads of fishermen along the bank. It struck me as the most boring way possible of spending a Saturday - several hours sitting all by yourself in the hope of catching somehting worthwhile. Don't think they were too impressed at having to move their rods out of the way so we could pass them, or by the dogs trying to steal their sandwiches.

Went upstairs to tidy my room when I got home, which really needs doing because I'm fed up of it being a mess every time I go in. Ended up going to bed for a nap instead though - not all that productive!

Am struggling to find the motivation to do any of the things I need to be doing at the moment - like tidying my room, applying for jobs in the vague hope that one of them might decide they like the look of me & sorting out some of my El Salvador / Mexico photos into an album. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get on with it all a bit better.

Rosie's First Post

Well, here we go - if Sarah can do it so can I! So this is it, Rosie's blog. Not sure what I'm going to do with it. Perhaps this will be the first and last post. Guess that depends on whether I find how to update it again! Expect there will be more to come at some point though.